Tuesday, 6 January 2015

SAL with Chookyblue and Susan with Anni Downs Natures Journey Quilt

So I've taken the plunge
and after following Chookyblue and now her trusty helper Susan   for many years on the SAL blog
 I have decided to join this year with Anni Downs new quilt 'Natures Journey".
To get us warmed us Anni has a free Christmas Stitchery to download on her blog.
I have decided that I will use what I have and that wonderful pile of 'threads' I am now trying to untangle and use up - before we get started.
This could be challenging as it will be a block a week
this will be my challenge to myself
and force me to make time for myself and sit and sew
I mean seriously how often do we do this for ourselves
when we are mums, work full-time and on various committees
(as we tend to find ourselves on when you have kids who are involved in different sports etc)
So it's the 6th Jan and I have started......
That's better than  nothing.....
Take Care and Keep Stitching


  1. welcome and have fun in the SAL.............we're all busy busy.....sometimes it's like walking to tipe rope balancing to try and make it all fit in............

    1. Agree whole heartily - thanks for going through SAL again - its given me an opportunity to join and I am looking forward to it.
      The tight rope is well and truly taunt but I'm having fun balancing at the moment
